Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Make Your Own Organic Lip Balm

If you have cracked, dry or sore lips then you will need to apply some lip balm to get them looking their best again. It is possible to buy lip balm pretty much anywhere; however there is something special about making your own lip balm.

Made To Order

The important thing about being able to make your lip balm is that you are able to customize the recipe so that you can include many of your favorite ingredients. It is actually very easy to make your own lip balm.
One of the easiest ways of making your own custom lip balm is to take some of your balm that you have brought in a shop made with natural ingredients, melt it and then add your favorite essential oils. Mix everything up using a toothpick and then leave it to set. This is a great way to make a tasty lip gloss very easily. Adding spearmint essential oils for example can make a delicious lip balm!

Easy Gifts

Another great reason for making your own lip balm is that you can give them away as gifts, they make fantastic gifts. There are so many different combinations that you can use to make a very personal gift. You could even make a chocolate lip balm for a chocoholic!

Easy Recipe

If you don’t want to cheat and use lip balm that you have brought then it is possible to make your own with this very simple recipe. It’s so easy that anyone can do it! You don’t even need that much:
- 2 tbsp castor oil
- 1 tbsp beeswax
- 1 tsp honey
- Carrot seed essential oil
- Sandalwood essential oil
Melt the beeswax using hot water, once the beeswax has melted then add the castor oil and honey until it all blends together and becomes a nice thick liquid. Once this happens then take it out from the hot water. Once the mixture has cooled slightly then add two drops of your chosen essential oils. Once the oils have been added then make sure everything is mixed together very well. You can then separate the lip balm into smaller containers so that you can store it.

It’s a good idea to label each container with the ingredients, usage instructions and when you made the lip balm. The lip balm is very easy to use; you just need to use your finger to simply smooth a tiny amount onto the surface of the lips. You are free to add any essential oils you like, however if you are pregnant then make sure that you can use the oils without any risks.

When making up your own lip balm recipes it is important to add double the amounts of solids as liquid. Beeswax will normally be your only solid ingredients, while all the others will be liquids. Castor oil is optional however it does give the lips a very nice shine. Honey makes the lip balm sweeter. You can also add vitamin E if you wish as this contains antioxidants and will also make your balm last longer.

Alternatively, if you want to avoid the work of making your own lip balm, have a look at some lip plumpers that will instantly make your lips look beautiful.

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