Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Health Benefits of Self Prostate Milking and Stimulation

The more people become comfortable about their bodies and the more assertive they become about taking care of their own health and sexual needs, the more they will look for safe measures to help them provide these benefits for themselves. Prostate milking is one of those measures that is becoming increasingly more common as a self-help benefit.

To understand what prostate milking is, you must visualize the male reproductive system. The prostate gland is a critical part of that reproductive system. It is about the size of a walnut and is located under the bladder, just in front of the rectum. Its function is to help in the manufacture of semen, the milky colored fluid which carries sperm from the testicles through the penis during ejaculation.

What is Prostate Milking?

The reference to “milk” in males refers to semen; and the milking of the prostate describes the stimulation of the prostate gland either for medical or sexual purposes. In other words, milking is the manual expressing of prostate fluid through direct manipulation of the prostate gland. The prostate may be stimulated internally or externally and it is the external stimulation that is often called prostate massage. It is an activity that can be self-induced or done with the help of a partner. Direct massage of the prostate gland can be highly relaxing and erotic and is a practice that some believe supports lifelong prostate health. Many men declare that prostate milking increases and lengthens their orgasms. For males without a sexual partner, this is a way to obtain sexual release.

Benefits and Risks of Prostate Stimulation

Prostate milking is generally safe for all healthy males and regular milking has been recommended as a preventative health measure. However serious health dangers can result in men with certain prostate and health conditions or even with men with healthy prostates if prostate milking is performed incorrectly. The prostate can be aggravated by disease, infections, swelling or prostatitis and prostate cancer is the second most lethal cancer in males today. There are many videos and products on the market or advertised on the internet that demonstrate how to do this practice safely and with intended effect.

For those men with health concerns, consult your physician: prostate milking may be better done by your doctor or medical practitioner. As an effective treatment for chronic prostatitis and benign prostate hyperplasia or BPH, this procedure can help drain the highly painful build up of seminal fluid in men with a chronically inflamed prostate.

While beneficial for many men in medical and sexually satisfying ways, prostate milking is not advisable for men with acute prostatitis, as prostate milking may allow the prostate infection to spread to other parts of the body. Another serious health danger from prostate milking could be the transfer of an already existing prostate cancer to other parts of the body. As with all even mildly invasive techniques and procedures, being informed about your body’s health will allow you to decide whether or not this procedure can be as safe and satisfying for you as it is for the increasing number of males who are now championing its use.

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