Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Best Exercises to Get Rid Of Cellulite

Cellulite is a word that is dreaded by women everywhere. It refers to a dimpling of the skin caused by pockets of fat directly beneath it. While men do occasionally have this problem, it is much more common in women. In fact, according to some studies, up to 90% of all women will end up with cellulite at some point in their lives. It can be found mostly in the pelvic region, particularly on the buttocks and upper thigh.

For the women who can afford it, cosmetic procedures like liposuction have helped to greatly reduce the amount of cellulite they have. There are however, natural ways to rid the body of cellulite and to reduce the likelihood of ending up with the problem.

Clearly the first step to take to avoid cellulite is a sensible diet. Since cellulite is basically fat deposits, then it makes sense to avoid too much fatty foods. Fruits and vegetables are of course important, as is drinking plenty of water. Here are some great exercises for getting toned and keeping cellulite at bay.

Exercises to Get Rid of Cellulite

This word is thrown around a lot, but it certainly can’t be overlooked if you are serious about getting toned and reducing your chances of getting cellulite. The term cardio comes from cardiovascular, and refers to any exercise that improves the body’s ability to consume oxygen, as well as increases the heart rate.

Cardio covers a number of exercises such cycling (stationary bikes too), aerobics, rowing, walking, skating and jogging. Gym machines such as stair climbers and elliptical trainers are also great for getting a good cardio workout. Cardio does not have to be limited to the indoors, as instead of using rowing machines you can use a boat if that option is available to you. Kickboxing is another great cardio workout, and is now so popular many gyms are offering it. If you cannot afford to go to the gym there are many good videos with cardio exercises you can do at home. It is important that before doing this or any other cardio exercise, you get the go ahead from your doctor.

Weight Training

Nothing burns fat like muscle, just ask any gym instructor. Not everyone wants the bulky pro bodybuilder look, and many women shy away from weight training. Doing weight training doesn’t mean that you will build muscles, it all depends on your goal and intensity of your training. Weight training can help you build firm muscles to eliminate cellulite and tone the body. Two great exercises in this area are squats and lunges.


Although this can easily be classified as a cardio workout, it is important to mention swimming separately because of its unique potential drawbacks. Research has shown that people who use swimming to lose weight often end up gaining weight. The reason for this is that swimming burns a great deal more calories than many other types of exercise.

This leads to increased consumption to replace those lost calories, so for that reason you may end up gaining weight. If you decide on swimming, it is best to use it as part of your overall fitness regimen. Use a blend of exercises to achieve the desired results. Also of importance, even if you are an experienced swimmer, it is best not to swim alone, because you never know when you may get into difficulty.

Cellulite is fat, and exercise burns fat. Dealing with cellulite calls for being more active and being sensible about your diet. Keep in mind however, that even with regular exercise, as you age it may be more difficult to keep the body properly toned.

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