Learning how emotions relate to symptoms is an important part of traditional Chinese medicine and can provide effective results. Emotions and the body are integrated and emotions such as sadness, worry or fear correlate to a certain area of the body. There are seven emotions: sadness, worry,anger,fear,fright,shock and joy. Even though some of these emotions may be seen as negative, in Chinese medicine they are seen as neither ‘good’ nor ‘bad’ just human nature. When we are well emotions flow freely, when we are stressed or ill, the emotions become ’stuck’. Chinese medicine looks to assess the ’stuck’ emotions and ‘free’ them in order to re-balance harmony. The relative organ that is affected by the emotion can also determine what type of treatment will be offered.
Sadness or even grief, affects the lungs leading to Lung Qi deficiency, leading to fatigue, depression and sometimes weakened immune system.
Worry or excessive over thinking can be caused by mental stresses, common in students and those in intellectual professions. These stresses knot the Qi and affect the spleen and lungs bringing on aching shoulders and breathlessness. Worry may also turn into anxiety or panic attacks.
Anger can include rage, irritability and frustration. In anger the tongue becomes dark red in colour.
Fear affects the kidneys and makes the Qi descend, prolonged fear drains the kidneys. In children it can result in bed wetting and in adults it can turn to anxiety and heart troubles.
Fright or shock leads to breathlessness, heart palpitations and puts undue strain on the kidneys.
Joy, although a positive, joy can affect the heart by slowing down the Qi, in small doses joy is beneficial but over excitment can cause heart dis-harmonies.
Causes Of Disease:
Dietary problems such as over-eating can affect the spleen. Over-eating can be caused by worry or excessive mental work and cause fatigue, digestion problems and diarrhea. Symptoms include stiffness, pale skin and lips, possible bruising and bleeding problems. Poor diet, not eating enough or not eating the correct foods due to modern day diets can be detrimental on the flow of Qi and on the spleen. Not only is it what we eat but when such as late at night,eating in a hurry and eating whilst working can affect the stomach and flow of Qi.
Lung problems can be caused by sadness and grief, affecting the lungs and breathing. Symptoms include frequent colds and flu, asthma, allergies and dry skin conditions. In order to improve the lungs, the immune system needs to be boosted.
Heart problems may occur as a result of depression and loss of vitality. Symptoms include heart palpitations, insomnia, poor long-term memory and other psychological issues.
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