Today's society is very focused on cosmetic appearances. More men and women are turning to surgery to make them look younger and physically fit than ever before. There are some drawbacks to this kind of treatment, though. There is considerable downtime while the body is healing. Scars obstruct the flow of Qi (pronounced chee) along the meridians. I know of women who have reported having headaches or an increase in the frequency and severity of headaches after a surgical face-lift. Anesthesia stresses the body chemically. Facial Renewal Acupuncture offers an alternative!
All of the Yang channels ascend to the head. The heart, lung and small intestine do also. With a percentage of the regular meridians rising to the head, it makes sense that whatever conditions are present in the body will show up on the face along these meridians. A program of facial renewal acupuncture is designed to treat the constitutional conditions of the body as well as treat the specific lines and wrinkles that result from the deficiencies or excesses that have caused them.
After the constitutional points are needles, tiny needles are inserted directly into the wrinkles and lines to stimulate the body to build its own collagen to fill them in. Underlying muscles can be stimulated with needles, lights or electronically to be firmer and hold tissues without sagging. Skin tone is improved. The entire face can become more energetic and vibrant. A course of treatment is usually 10 treatments (depends on your starting point) and a monthly maintenance treatment is recommended.
Scar therapy is also available for pits or bumps in the skin. It can be done anywhere there are scars (except eyelids.) Pits can be needles to fill in like the lines. Rope-like scars will soften and normalize. Needles are inserted under the scar to "teach" the Qi (pronounced chee) how to flow again. This is useful for C-Sections, or other surgeries and injuries that cut across meridians.
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